Kia mau ki te Ūkaipō app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Ministry of Education New Zealand
First release : 28 Aug 2022
App size: 129.74 Mb
Ko te whāinga o tēnei rauemi kia mātua tipu mai ngā tamariki katoa i runga i te mōhio ki te takenga mai o ngā ingoa wāhi hirahira nō roto o Hauraki, nō konā, tā rātou hononga ki te whenua. Mā tēnei te māramatanga pai ake ki te wāhi o Hauraki e whakatairanga, me te whakatairanga hoki i te mōhiotanga ki ngā hononga ki te whenua mō ngā ākonga, kaiako, whānau, hapū, me ētahi iwi anō hoki puta noa i Aotearoa whānui.
The objective of this resource is to ensure that all tamariki grow up learning how the significant place names within Hauraki were named and hence their connection with te whenua. This will promote a better understanding of the place Hauraki, as well as promote understanding of connection with te whenua for ākonga, kaiako, whānau, hapū, and other iwi across Aotearoa.
Interactivity has been used to create an immersive experience with an original, image-rich narrative. Features include:
- Narration in te reo Māori perfectly synchronised with text
- Swipe to Read, Tap to Spell and Read aloud functions.
- Subordinate narration and text in English that can be toggled to access
- A record yourself function that enables readers to record their own or whānau narration, and overlay it in the app.
Notes for teachers that are accessible inside the App include support on curriculum links, learning activities, vocabulary, a list of further resources available, and references.
Kia mau ki te Ūkaipō was developed through the Ministry’s Te Aho Ngārahu fund. Te Aho Ngārahu was established in 2017 as an initiative to improve the access to quality te reo Māori localised curriculum resources to support ākonga, kaiako and Kāhui Ako learning in and through te reo Māori in both Māori medium and English medium settings.
This App was produced by world leading Cultural Services agency Kiwa Digital. For more
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